Researching and promoting open science and education.
Open Science Working Group
We are the Open Science Working Group (OSWG), founded in late 2021 to increase awareness and use of Open Science (OS) practices within our department by providing knowledge, resources, and learning opportunities. The working group comprises members from each department’s subsections – researchers, educators, students, and technicians.
In the long term, working according to OS standards will lead to more transparent and reproducible scientific production. It will also facilitate and increase the re-use of data, thereby decreasing unnecessary data collection; foster new projects across teams, and help improve the visibility of our research to the broader public.
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meet the team

"I appreciate Open Science because it accelerates scientific progress and enhances accessibility, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative research environment."
Eva Koderman

"I believe many of the principles of Open Science are fundamental to doing research and vital to maintain a well functioning scientific community."
Niels Reijner
PhD @ Clinical Neuroanatomy And Biobanking

"A data sharing approach to research is what I hope will become the standard in science, and it's one of the reasons I joined the OS workgroup. I am excited to spread these research practices to our lab, and beyond!"
Nazda Dzinalija
PhD @ Neuropsychiatry

"I joined the OS working group from its start as I think it is important that we move towards a science where everybody can collaborate and workflows are transparent."
Mona Zimmermann

"I am a part of the communication team, where together with the other team members we will attempt to raise awareness of open science and to make its many aspects more easily accessible."
Lucas Breedt

"I feel Open Science is very beneficial for research in the broader perspective. It creates room for (the publication of) good experiments despite (negative) outcomes."
Dustin Schetters
Research analyst @ Behavioural and Translational Neuroscience

"I believe OS is an essential tool to create links between laboratories, to advance in research more quickly and efficiently and to make science more accessible and transparent."
Mar Barrantes Cepas
PhD @ Clinical Neuroscience

"As lecturer in anatomy, I think open sience and education is essential for sharing knowledge in a modern and inclusive world."
Alexander Bijnsdorp
Anatomist @ Team Education and Innovation

I joined the open science working group to learn more about open science practice, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and contribute to a culture of transparency and innovation in our research field!
Eva van Heese
PhD @ Neuropsychiatry

I'm convinced that good open science practices can actively contribute to the establishment of robust protocols, greatly enhancing the transfer of knowledge between laboratories.”
Lucas Baudouin
Post-doc @ MULTINET
our alumni

"I strongly believe that Open Science has the power to change science and education for the better, making it more transparent, accessible, and sustainable."
Eduarda Centeno
Research assistant @ MULTINET

"I started working at the department of Anatomy and Neurosciences as a PhD candidate in 2016 under supervision of Anne-Marie van Dam. After my PhD defense in early 2022, I have continued as a post-doc in the CNAB group."
Thecla van Wageningen
Post-doc @ Clinical Neuroanatomy And Biobanking

"I helped create the Open Science Work Group at ANW with the goals of learning how other ANW labs have implemented Open Science practices, and developing OS data management practices in the BTN lab."
Allison McDonald
PhD @ Behavioural and Translational Neuroscience